selected press

New American Airlines Photography from Millicent Harvey. The Office of James Burnett Landscape Architecture

Stoss Landscape Urbanism’s design for the University of Michigan’s Gerstacker Grove melds ecological performance with technological proficiency.  Stoss Landscape Urbanism

Rendering: Reading the Landscape, Western Art & Architecture. Hocker Design Group.

Landscape as Laboratory by The Office of Cheryl Barton. The Office of Cheryl Barton Landscape Architecture.

TCLF’s First Instagram Guest Curator: Millicent Harvey – The Cultural Landscape Foundation


Superbloom: Taking Inspiration from the Desert Landscapes of Palm Springs, Modernism Week, 2023. Palm Springs, CA

The Smoke Tree, Garden Club of the Desert, Smoke Tree Ranch, 2023. Palm Springs, CA

Capturing the Spirit of the Modern Garden, Modernism Week, 2022. Palm Springs, CA

Superbloom: Taking Inspiration from the Desert Landscape, American Society of Landscape Architects, 2021. Nashville, TN

An Introduction to Landscape Photography, California Garden and Landscape History Society, 2021 Palm Springs, CA

Picturing Landscape, American Society of Landscape Architects, 2019. San Diego, CA